Suncor Synthetic H

Stream Description

OSH is an upgraded bottomless sour synthetic blend. It is comprised of roughly 75% virgin gas oil and 25% lighter fractions. OSH is a 20 API gravity, 3 wt% sulphur, 3.5 TAN blend. Due to the lack of residuum, MCRT and metals content are unusually low for a 20 API western Canadian crude stream. OSH is produced at Suncor Energy Canada's operations in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Most Recent Sample Details

Batch: OSH-1164 --- Date: September 01, 2024 --- Sample Location: Hardisty

Notably reduced density and elevated light ends were recorded for the September sample of Suncor Synthetic H. Simulated distillation results showed a larger than usual distillate cut.

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Property (unit) Most Recent: 2024-09-01 6 Month Average 1 Year Average 5 Year Average
Density (kg/m³)928.4936.3936.9937.3
Gravity (°API)20.819.519.419.3
Sulphur (wt%)
Micro Carbon Residue (wt%)0.900.890.880.83
Sediment (ppmw)46897187
Total Acid Number (mgKOH/g)3.333.483.463.48
Salt (ptb)
Nickel (mg/kg)
Vanadium (mg/kg)13.313.413.012.3

ND: Not Detected - indicates a tested value below the instrument threshold.

Component by GC/FID Most Recent: 2024-09-01 6 Month Average 1 Year Average 5 Year Average
C3- (vol%)NDNDNDND
iC4 iso-Butane (vol%)
nC4 n-Butane (vol%)0.760.580.550.47
iC5 iso-Pentane (vol%)0.790.600.600.58
nC5 n-Pentane (vol%)1.280.950.950.93
C6 Hexanes (vol%)2.311.691.701.69
C7 Heptanes (vol%)2.081.481.491.47
C8 Octanes (vol%)2.591.811.801.80
C9 Nonanes (vol%)2.031.481.451.42
C10 Decanes (vol%)1.060.740.750.78

ND: Not Detected - indicates a tested value below the instrument threshold.

Component by GC/FID Most Recent: 2024-09-01 6 Month Average 1 Year Average 5 Year Average
Benzene (vol%)
Toluene (vol%)
Ethylbenzene (vol%)
Xylenes (vol%)
Mass % Recovered by ASTM D7169 Most Recent: 2024-09-01 (°C) 5 Year Average (°C) Most Recent: 2024-09-01 (°F) 5 Year Average (°F)

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