
Stream Description

Midale is a conventionally produced medium sour crude gathered from batteries in southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba. Midale is considered a benchmark medium sour crude (daily price postings are available for Midale on the Internet).

Most Recent Sample Details

Batch: MSM-0033 --- Date: August 08, 2024 --- Sample Location: Cromer

Other than marginally reduced pentanes, the August sample of Midale was consistent with historical averages. Typical simulated distillation results are included.

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Enbridge Pooled Crude Quality Specification

Pooled crudes at Superior are subject to quality specifications set by Enbridge. Test methods employed, typical results, testing frequency, and mitigation/penalty details can be found from the most recent specifications document. Contact Enbridge Pipelines directly for additional information regarding pooled crude quality requirements.

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Safety Data Sheets

Safet Data Sheets (SDS) are provided for reference only. Always check producer's or shipper's website for up-to-date information. Visit our Industry Resources page for quick links to external SDS databases.

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Property (unit) Most Recent: 2024-08-08 6 Month Average 1 Year Average 5 Year Average
Density (kg/m³)864.4863.6861.6861.0
Gravity (°API)
Sulphur (wt%)
Micro Carbon Residue (wt%)5.104.974.934.91
Sediment (ppmw)127172200333
Total Acid Number (mgKOH/g)0.12NDNDND
Salt (ptb)7.611.512.821.4
Nickel (mg/kg)11.912.513.012.2
Vanadium (mg/kg)

ND: Not Detected - indicates a tested value below the instrument threshold.

Component by GC/FID Most Recent: 2024-08-08 6 Month Average 1 Year Average 5 Year Average
C3- (vol%)0.330.390.380.36
iC4 iso-Butane (vol%)0.930.970.930.90
nC4 n-Butane (vol%)2.983.093.013.05
iC5 iso-Pentane (vol%)
nC5 n-Pentane (vol%)1.411.491.521.61
C6 Hexanes (vol%)5.365.385.465.59
C7 Heptanes (vol%)5.515.465.525.60
C8 Octanes (vol%)6.135.785.855.94
C9 Nonanes (vol%)5.424.674.904.90
C10 Decanes (vol%)2.462.142.362.58
Component by GC/FID Most Recent: 2024-08-08 6 Month Average 1 Year Average 5 Year Average
Benzene (vol%)0.700.720.740.77
Toluene (vol%)0.860.930.971.02
Ethylbenzene (vol%)0.550.540.560.58
Xylenes (vol%)0.430.450.500.55
Mass % Recovered by ASTM D7169 Most Recent: 2024-08-08 (°C) 5 Year Average (°C) Most Recent: 2024-08-08 (°F) 5 Year Average (°F)

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